Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Johari Window of Home Inspections

Home inspections are in many ways home awareness for buyers. A common tool used in team building, self-awareness exercises, and therapy is the Johari Window. This visual tool breaks the way in which we see ourselves and how others see us into four boxes. One box is what is seen by others and us. This is the person we are to ourselves and to other people. The next box is what others see but is hidden from us. These could be flaws or talents we are blind to, but others recognize in us. The third box is what we see in ourselves but hide from others. This is who we are in private and what we keep inside. The last box is what is unknown. Things we do not know about ourselves that are also unknown to others. People use this tool in many ways. One way is to discover more about themselves and, in effect, make the unknown box and the box only seen by others smaller. Some use this to decrease the hidden box and make a person more authentic.

A home inspection can take the same form as a Johari window. When a buyer makes an offer for a property, there are four similar boxes. There is what the buyer and seller both see, and an offer is often made in that window. There is another window that only the seller sees: those things that they have not revealed to the buyer. There is a third window that the buyer sees, but the seller is not aware of, the hidden incentives the buyer has not shared as to why they want the house. Finally, there are the things nobody knows about the house. Often, these are defects that have not been seen by the seller or buyer.

A home inspection is designed to change the size of these boxes. In a home inspection, we seek to move things from the box of unknowns to the box only seen by the buyer, helping the buyer to see things that no one knows about the house. At the same time, we work to move things from the box only known by the seller to the box of things known by the buyer and seller, making the sale price more authentic and bringing everything that was hidden to light. All the time, not moving anything from the box only as known by the buyer because home inspections are confidential.

Some people believe that after a home inspection, the buyer should know as much as the seller, but that is not correct. After the home inspection, the buyer should actually know more about the house than the seller, placing them in the strongest position and having the greatest advantage. Home inspections are designed to benefit and protect the buyer during the home buying process. Not having a qualified home inspection is agreeing to walk into the purchase at a disadvantage. Never skip the opportunity to be informed and protected. And remember the inspection is only as good as the inspector, always use a Certified Master Inspector when choosing an inspection company such as Carey Home Inspection

Sunday, August 11, 2024

What won't change on August 17th


Nobody really knows for sure what the fallout will be after new rules for members of the National Association of Realtors take effect on August 17. Compensation numbers will be removed from the Multiple Listing Service, and buyers' agents will need signed agreements before providing the service. For some, it will be business as usual, while others will need to adopt new practices and procedures. Horror stories about mass buyer agents disappearing have been circulated on social media, while others have expressed a more optimistic view. The truth is that we may not see the full impact of the NAR settlement for months or even years, as the market is always moving, and it will take time to interpret the changes and the role that the settlement played, if any. One thing that will not change is that people will still buy and sell houses. Along with that, home inspections will continue to be part of that process. The inspection, as a third--party evaluation, will remain protection for both the buyers and the agents. With the potential for more dual-agent transactions, having a qualified home inspection is critical to insulate the buyer's representative throughout the process. Some have speculated that more buyers will need to pay for representation, meaning some may look for ways to save money by choosing not to have an inspection; however, the increased cost may result in stepping down their expectations of the home they choose. This only increases the need for a thorough inspection. An increased closing cost may also mean less money available for unforeseen repairs that an inspection would uncover before the purchase. The need for a qualified home inspection will continue, if not increase in importance, as we move forward through the changes ahead. Providing thorough and affordable inspections with clear reports delivered on the same day is something we have done consistently and will continue through any changes that occur. We look forward to servicing your buyers, sellers, and investors with the best inspection services in the area.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Secrets to a Cooler Home

June saw unusually high temperatures, even before summer was officially here. With July here and August just around the corner, air conditioners will be running nearly every day. Central air conditioning is a luxury for some, and others cannot live without it. Expecting to keep cool only to have your home or office never feel comfortable can be frustrating, to say the least. While professional service is sometimes needed, there are a few easy home maintenance tips that can keep your air conditioning system running longer and more efficiently.

Most air conditioning systems found in homes are gas compression split systems. This means there is an outside compressor and an inside heat exchanger inside the ductwork. Air conditioners work by compressing a coolant gas and then rapidly decompressing it. When you squeeze something, it heats up; this happens outside, which is why the air blowing off the condenser is hot. If you have ever sprayed a can of compressed air, like those cans of air to clean computer keyboards, you probably noticed the air is cold, and the can gets cold fast. This is what happens inside the part of the air conditioner in the ductwork. This is what cools the air when you run the air conditioner. 

AC Damaged Fins
If the air coming out of the ducts is cool but not as cold as it should be, or the house never seems to cool enough, there are some things you can do that may help. First, always test the air with a thermometer; don’t trust your hand. It’s often hard to distinguish between cool air and moving air that makes us feel cool; this is why fans work. 

On the outside of the home, start with the compressor. Make sure the compressor is level. Erosion can often lead to the compressor no longer being level. Also, trim back any branches or bushes that may be too close to the compressor. You should have a minimum of two feet on all sides of the compressor, and nothing above it for five feet. Check the fins on the compressor. These can become damaged from yard work, being bumped by the mower or toys, or even from animals or pets. If they need to be straightened, this can be done with a fin comb, available at most hardware stores. Finally, check the insulation on the refrigeration lines. The larger of the two should be completely insulated. If insulation is missing or damaged, replace it. The cost of the insulation is less than the cost of the energy lost.

AC refrigeration insulation
Inside the home, check the furnace filter. A clogged or dirty filter will restrict airflow and result in it taking much longer to cool the house. Check the inside refrigeration line for insulation. Finally, make sure the condensation is draining correctly into a drain or a condensation pump. Excess water can affect the life of your system. 

If your system is not cooling at all, it’s time for professional assistance. A complete lack of cooling could be an issue with the controls for the system or a lack of coolant in the lines. A cooling professional should be able to diagnose the problem and provide the best solution. 

These few maintenance tips should help your system last longer and work efficiently this summer. 

If you are looking for a home inspection please contact us

Carey Home Inspection

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Three quick things to help keep water out of almost any basement


In the northeast, many homes have basements, which can often lead to water entering the home. Discovering water on the basement floor is more than an inconvenience; it can damage stored items or essential systems like the heating system. Prolonged moisture can also cause mold in the basement or main floor. If the basement is a living area, such as in a split-level or raised ranch, water can cause costly damage and disrupt home life. Some basements are more susceptible to leaks, including those with high water tables, stone foundations, and dirt floors. Regardless of your basement type, there are simple steps to minimize water entry.


Ensure your gutters are functioning properly. Faulty gutters can be worse than no gutters at all. Gutters direct water away from the home by collecting rain water from the roof and channeling it to downspouts. Clogged or damaged gutters can overflow, dumping water near the foundation. Missing downspout extensions can also cause this issue. Directing rainwater away from the house is crucial for a dry basement.


Check the grading around your house. During rain, walk around the house and note any puddles within six feet of the foundation. Poor grading or even small holes can cause water to pool and seep into the foundation through cracks. Older homes may have water entering between the foundation wall and the footer. Fill low spots with compacted soil to redirect water away from the house. Avoid using mulch, gravel, or stone, as they allow water to seep through.


Test your sump pump. If your home has a sump pump, it indicates expected water under the house. Sump pumps collect water from the house drainage system in a sump pit. These can clog, and pumps can fail, so test them regularly, at least once a year before spring. Ensure the pump discharges water far from the house to prevent reentry into the system.


The goal is to keep water out of the basement, but if it gets in, remove it promptly. While not all basements will stay dry, these three steps can significantly reduce the risk of flooding.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Home Inspector shares one contractors catastrophic mistake that ended well

 About a year ago, we received a call to inspect a house in the capital district, and the address sounded familiar. I quickly looked it up and saw that we had inspected the house about a year prior, nothing that had not happened before. What was odd was that when we compared the names on the inspection request, it was for the same person we had inspected the house for originally. Upon calling to confirm the buyer, the now owner, told us that shortly after they closed on the house, it burned to the ground. That is not something a home inspector ever wants to hear. My mind went to what we could have missed that would have resulted in a fire. The owner quickly confirmed that we had not missed anything, and the fire had nothing to do with us. Before moving in, the new owners had the floors refinished, and the contractor left a bucket of oil-soaked rags on the enclosed porch. The sunlight heated the rags, resulting in spontaneous combustion when no one was home. The house burned to the ground quickly because of the active and open construction that was occurring. Fortunately for them, the insurance company covered the entire replacement cost. It was remarkable comparing the original inspection to the new one; the footprint of the house was the same with only minor changes. The interior was completely refinished, and the basement was expanded. It was great to see the similarities and differences between the two inspections. Many home-buyers opt to perform renovations, both large and small, before moving into their new home. Ensuring that the house is properly and fully insured and that all contractors are licensed, qualified, and insured themselves is also important. Fortunately, no one was injured and only limited personal belongings were lost in this case.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

The Importance of Solar System Inspection When Buying a Home


In a time where sustainability and renewable energy are on the minds of many, the installation of solar panel systems has become increasingly common. When buying a property with an existing solar panel system, you could assume that all is well and the system is working fine. However, like all things in a home, issues, damage, age, weather, and other factors could have affected the performance and operation of the system. An inspection that includes the solar electric system is encouraged whenever a home with solar panels is purchased.

The significance of a solar system inspection cannot be overstated. This inspection is a critical evaluation of the system's condition, performance, and potential future expenses. Here's what's included.

Solar Panels:

Solar panels are the heart of any solar energy system. These photovoltaic cells harness sunlight and convert it into electricity. During an inspection, we assess the physical condition of the panels, checking for any signs of damage, such as cracks, corrosion, or loose connections. We also confirm the panels are properly secured to the roof or ground mounting system.

Solar System Inverters:

Inverters play a pivotal role in converting the direct current (DC) produced by solar panels into alternating current (AC) that can be used to power household appliances. Malfunctioning inverters can significantly hamper the performance of a solar system. We examine inverters for signs of wear and tear, and confirm they are working. Upgrading or replacing inverters can be costly, so identifying any issues before purchase is important.

Net Meters:

Net meters are essential components for homes with grid-tied solar systems. They measure the amount of electricity generated by the solar panels and any surplus energy that is fed back into the grid. During an inspection, we confirm a net meter has been installed. Faulty net meters could result in inaccurate billing and money lost.

AC Connections:

The AC connections of a solar system ensure seamless integration with the existing electrical infrastructure of the property. We examine these connections to confirm they are properly installed and functioning correctly. Any loose connections or wiring issues could pose safety hazards and may need immediate attention.

We not only inspect solar systems, we use them. With over 48 solar electric or solar thermal panels in use at our own property we understand the cost and operation involved in these systems. Helping our buyers make informed decisions is what we do as inspectors. Schedule your next inspection at

Friday, February 16, 2024

Fireplace and wood stove safety

Fireplace inspection
Fireplaces and wood stoves offer warmth and ambiance to homes, especially during cold seasons. However, they also pose potential risks if not used properly. To ensure the safety of your household and property, it's crucial to adhere to safety recommendations when operating these heating sources. Don from Carey Home Inspection, recommends adding an interior chimney inspection added to all home inspections. Most chimney liners today have unreported defects that can become safety issues if the fireplace is used. 

Installation: Proper installation is paramount for safety. Hire a professional technician certified by relevant authorities to install your fireplace or wood stove. Ensure that the installation complies with local building codes and manufacturer guidelines.

Regular Maintenance: Conduct routine maintenance to keep your fireplace or wood stove in optimal condition. Schedule annual inspections by a qualified technician to check for any issues such as creosote buildup, chimney obstructions, or damaged components.

Chimney Cleaning: Creosote, a byproduct of burning wood, can accumulate inside chimneys, increasing the risk of chimney fires. Regular chimney cleaning is essential to remove creosote buildup. Aim for cleaning at least once a year, or more frequently if you use your fireplace or wood stove extensively.

Quality Fuel: Use only seasoned hardwoods for burning in your fireplace or wood stove. Seasoned wood burns cleaner and produces less creosote compared to green or unseasoned wood. Avoid burning treated wood, pallets, or other materials, as they can release harmful chemicals and residues.

Proper Ventilation: Ensure adequate ventilation in the room where your fireplace or wood stove is located. Install carbon monoxide detectors near sleeping areas and on every level of your home to monitor for any dangerous gas buildup.

Clearances: Maintain proper clearances between your fireplace or wood stove and combustible materials such as furniture, curtains, or decorations. Consult the manufacturer's guidelines or local building codes to determine the required clearance distances.

Use of Screens and Gates: Employ fireplace screens or gates to prevent sparks and embers from escaping the fireplace and causing accidental fires. These safety barriers also serve as a protective measure, especially if you have children or pets in the household.

Supervision: Never leave a fire unattended. Ensure someone responsible is present whenever the fireplace or wood stove is in use. Supervision is crucial to prevent accidents and to promptly address any issues that may arise.

Extinguishing Fires: Use a fireplace tool set to safely extinguish the fire before leaving the room or going to bed. Allow the ashes to cool completely before disposing of them in a metal container. Never dispose of hot ashes in a plastic trash can or near combustible materials.

Education and Training
: Educate all household members on fireplace and wood stove safety practices. Teach them how to properly operate these heating sources and what to do in case of emergencies, such as a chimney fire or carbon monoxide leak.

By following these safety recommendations, you can enjoy the warmth and comfort of your fireplace or wood stove while minimizing the risks associated with their use. Remember, safety should always be a top priority when heating your home with these traditional sources of warmth.