The home inspector and the buyer arrived at your listing ten minutes ago. Your seller is on pins and needles already knowing that their house is nice, but not perfect. You’ve let them know you will call as soon as you hear back from the buyer's agent, and the phone just rang. It’s the buyer's agent. No one needs the stress. There is a way to eliminate, or significantly reduce those calls. As a home inspector we have run into various situations where we needed to call the agent or seller, and have several suggestions on how to avoid it.
Make sure your seller turns everything on.
It’s not uncommon for sellers to disconnect or turn off services in a vacant house. I don’t blame them, it’s a safe thing to do to turn off the water or other appliances. In New York home inspectors are not required to turn on systems that are shut down, in some states like Massachusetts it’s actually against the law for a home inspector to do so. Without knowing why a system is turned off no one should turn it back on. It may be under repair or turned off for safety reasons. Confirming with the seller that the electric, water, heat and other systems are on can save a return trip or a call for someone to come out to the house during the inspection. Not only should main shut offs be on, individual systems should also be on. Water heaters and dishwashers are what we find most often shut down.
Make sure access to everything is available.
This includes all rooms, the garage, the basement, and the attic. If it’s just a few boxes or some clothing blocking the attic opening most inspectors will take the time to move them. Moving an entire UHaul truck of boxes in the garage to get to the electric panel may be a different story. Not having access means the buyer may want the inspector to return which can just delay the process. Sometimes we encounter locked rooms which always raises red flags, but often these rooms contain access to other systems such as the attic or garage. Making sure all doors are unlocked, the garage is accessible and there is a clear path to the electric panel, water services, heat, and sewer access is important. Another thing we’ve run into more than once is the lock box on the front door, but the storm door locked. This results in everyone standing outside waiting for the seller to return with a key.
Leave instructions for things only the seller knows.
A lot happens during an inspection, there isn’t always time to learn all the quirky things about a house. If there is a sub-panel for the addition behind the portrait of grandma in the second floor hallway, the inspector may never find it. Too often inspectors have to call sellers to find out the GFCI reset for the garage is behind the refrigerator in the kitchen or some other hidden spot. Another thing to remember is home inspectors are not always privileged to the conversations the buyers and sellers have had. If everyone knows the second floor tub leaks, let the inspector know before they have to call the agent about water dripping from the first floor ceiling.
With just a few things, sellers can eliminate many of the calls that are made to listing agents at inspection and provide for a smooth inspection.
For more tips on what to do before an inspection, attend our upcoming CE class at the GCAR on 10 Things to do Before Your Home Inspection, or ask your broker to have us present it at your office.
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