Sunday, August 11, 2024

What won't change on August 17th


Nobody really knows for sure what the fallout will be after new rules for members of the National Association of Realtors take effect on August 17. Compensation numbers will be removed from the Multiple Listing Service, and buyers' agents will need signed agreements before providing the service. For some, it will be business as usual, while others will need to adopt new practices and procedures. Horror stories about mass buyer agents disappearing have been circulated on social media, while others have expressed a more optimistic view. The truth is that we may not see the full impact of the NAR settlement for months or even years, as the market is always moving, and it will take time to interpret the changes and the role that the settlement played, if any. One thing that will not change is that people will still buy and sell houses. Along with that, home inspections will continue to be part of that process. The inspection, as a third--party evaluation, will remain protection for both the buyers and the agents. With the potential for more dual-agent transactions, having a qualified home inspection is critical to insulate the buyer's representative throughout the process. Some have speculated that more buyers will need to pay for representation, meaning some may look for ways to save money by choosing not to have an inspection; however, the increased cost may result in stepping down their expectations of the home they choose. This only increases the need for a thorough inspection. An increased closing cost may also mean less money available for unforeseen repairs that an inspection would uncover before the purchase. The need for a qualified home inspection will continue, if not increase in importance, as we move forward through the changes ahead. Providing thorough and affordable inspections with clear reports delivered on the same day is something we have done consistently and will continue through any changes that occur. We look forward to servicing your buyers, sellers, and investors with the best inspection services in the area.

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